Thursday 29 July 2010

Wednesday 28 July 2010


cheesy timelapse but lovely song. and jonsi does love a good timelapse. and good mood.

a friend showed me this and its really nice too

Lei Xue "Tee Trinken"

Grease Lightening

Gay Paris

Cortney Andrews


Tuesday 27 July 2010

New York envy

When I was in New York a couple of years ago, my friend and I went to see a Paul Mc Carthy exhibition at the Whitney and a retrospective of Buckminster Fuller was on as well. This popping up on yey!everyday (yet again- I am completely addicted to it) just reminded me of how much I wish I was back there.

Clutter rooms

Romanian documentary photographer. This series (I think as I cannot read Romanian) catlogues peoples rooms in an apartment block (I think) similar to something I saw in the tate where a photographer had gone round hundreds of houses at photographed the main room from the same perspective, same lighting etc. Looked incredible all together. How we all live. (found on yay!everday)

Wednesday 21 July 2010

oh ewen henderson

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Baltic Mill

now with a new exhibition on (photo from the facebook group)

photo above from Seaburn

twist and

lady bulldog bird

skeleeton powa

The Drums at Heaven back in June

from tumblr somewhere
from postasecret

Monday 19 July 2010

work from the CSM BA Fine Art degree show 2010

very impressive.

Sunday 18 July 2010

more sketchbook

Saturday 17 July 2010


sweep my mess away

Thursday 15 July 2010

lights out

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Hop Farm July 2010

Gemma Correll

Gemma Correll did a mural for one of the pubs close to our halls, and a friend showed me her before we even realised this. We esepcially love her illustrations about pugs.

This one "The Yoof of Today 2 : The Barbour Boys." is so spot on too.

New sketchbook

Im doing some summer work in my old school at their Games Week in the art department. It's trickier than you'd think to make up things for them to do. Especially with an age range of 5 to 14.

Corfu Town grafiti

Originally uploaded by Sophie Chapman

Corfu 2009

Originally uploaded by Sophie Chapman