Tuesday 31 August 2010

And more

Originally uploaded by Katie J Rogers

More Katie Rogers

Originally uploaded by Katie J Rogers

Katie Rogers

Originally uploaded by Katie J Rogers
among many lovely photos from South Africa http://katiejrogers.wordpress.com/

So Say So

Jim Hodges

Definatley going to see this at the weekend, at Camden Arts Centre, from here.

Viktor Vauthier and his son

from here

Eric Baudelaire

from here and inspired these below


Monday 30 August 2010

John Bock

Cant wait.

From Time Out website.

Extraordinary Measures at Belsay Hall

Slinkachu above.

Matt Collishaw's Zeotrope- The Garden of Unearthly Delights.
From Here to There is Not That Far by Mariele Neudecker. Heard some old ladies talking about how imposing it was upon the landscape, but I thought it was just imposing enough to have a contrast, but it not be the point of putting it there, and more about its reflections and scale. A friend told me she read about it's links so Alice and the Looking Glass and also the windows of Belsay hall itself.

And Ron Muek's Spooning Couple and Drift. So interesting, a friend and I both thought (seeing the piece separatley) there were obvious connections to Christ in this, and in the same room a miniature, but still as creepily realistic as his other pieces, black teenager with a cut on his stomach the same as Christ's in so many biblical paintings, and I couldn't afford the exhibition book on Muek but upon flicking through there were a lot of references to Christ in the tomb (Holbein) and other biblical paintings. Very clever and subtle.

from here

Chris Doyle

Really nice.

from here

Clare Stephenson

from here


Over heard some girls in the loo of a pub we go to where I've put stickers of my blogspot saying "plastic poem..eeee al remember that" Yeah man. Better than them writting fuck off on it.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Wonderland by Yeondoo Jung

Very clever. Especially after seeing all the drawings from the kids at work this summer.

More on his website

Hipster Runoff


"Do yall like Sufjan’s collage on his album art, or do u wish he had a chillwave jacuzzi party with a bunch of ‘underaged kids’ + a collective of animals, similar to the cover of Panda Bear’s Person Pitch? (Wonder if these are Noah Lennox’s illegitimate kids)."

Shane Huffman

from here.

I like this "mantras for the moon, beyond blacking out, heat death" just as a sentance.

Saturday 28 August 2010


to make something.


Friday 27 August 2010

Something by one of the older kids at the Gamesweek after the portait workshop thing I did. Very impressed.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Wednesday 25 August 2010

The Ettes

Kids love me

Last week I finnished my 4 weeks working at my old school in it's Gamesweek sessions as the art teacher. Learned that even though I was probably the most talkative little know it all when I was little that talkative little know it alls are the bein of your life when your trying to teach. There was a complete mix of responses to the classes and the art room in general every day- some of the youngest ones just got it and experimented with the paint straight away and some just wanted to paint butterflies (if your a girl) and guns (if your a boy); there were some moments when I showed a little girl a painting by Kandinsky because she was painting coloured shapes and patterns and then I turned around again later she was painting with her eyes closed listening to the music, that was nice, and when a girl who did a brilliant painting of the Tyne Bridge's sillouette came in the next day with more drawings and paintings of different bridges, that was also nice. But the eldest ones- 13/14 which I have no idea why they are still going to a Gamesweek in their summer holidays as I would have point blank refused at that age were probably the hardest to start off with as they just didn't respect me as an authority at all- probably doesnt help that they were pretty much all taller than me, and just tried to take the piss and push me as much as possible. So the second time I had their group we did this version of a kindo of life class that I had done (similar to one anyway) when I was at sixth form where you draw your partners portrait, as much as you can do, in 5 minutes, then you rip part of that drawing off, stick it to another piece of paper and draw a different person, encoroperating the previous piece, you go on like this for a while then you reattach bits of all your drawings and try and salvige it as a portrait of a person. It took a while to get them into it and I did have to make sure they were all not messing about but by the end they all got really into it and even the most cheeky ones were trying really hard to make theirs better. This success is not to say that I won them over, just for about 45 minutes as the next time I had their group a boy called me a retard and kicked over an eisal on his way out! So during the days it was hard, and it was a bit monotonous doing watercolour (so I made tye dye and let them make tapestries and city sky lines but all most of them wanted to do was trace pictures of pokemon) it was a really good experience for me, and I think I definatley do want to do some form of teaching, maybe, but not with little kids, or even teenagers I think. Weirdly when I was talking to one of the Junior Leaders (they are like 16 year olds that help out but dont teach individual classes) about her As level art project, and basicaly had a miniature crit with, I realised how much I like the teaching part on a one to one, actualy helping someone in the process of making their work. So maybe not teaching but just doing crits for a living?

Sam Falls

from this website


Sunday 22 August 2010

Mile End by Pulp

Living in Bow from middle of September (near Mile End init) Ignore the video.

Ed Fella

Absolutley love this stuff, such simple collages. Really helping how confused I am with my stuff at the moment. Wanted to post them all from this page of his website http://www.edfella.com/lib.php?dir=images/collage/street/ Not renound for collage, more for graphics, but I really like how he's made these.